Entidade internacional oferece apoio financeiro para organizadores de eventos científicos

Organizadores e promotores de eventos científicos internacionais ou regionais que serão realizados em 2017 no Brasil e outros países em desenvolvimento podem solicitar apoio financeiro para TWAS – The World Academy of Sciences. O prazo para submeter o pedido é 31/07/2016. O benefício oferecido são passagens aéreas para viabilizar a participação de palestrantes estrangeiros. Os campos de estudo priorizados envolvem a agricultura, biologia, química, engenharia, geologia e ciências médicas. Mais informações e inscrições em http://twas.org/opportunity/twas-grants-scientific-meetings-held-developing-countries
Veja algumas regras do processo:
Support is normally provided in the form of travel grants for principal speakers from abroad and/or participants from developing countries other than the country where the meeting is held. The amount provided normally does not exceed USD5,000.
Special consideration will be given to those meetings that are likely to benefit the scientific communitiy in developing countries and promote regional and international cooperation in science, technology and innovation and their applications to real-world problems.
TWAS only considers applications made by organizers of international and regional scientific meetings in developing countries. TWAS does not provide support to individual scientists wishing to attend a scientific event, even if the event is taking place in a developing country.
The grant is intended only for air tickets.
TWAS must be acknowledged as a co-sponsor in all material and websites related to the supported activity.
Funds can only be released after the meeting and upon receipt of the original used ticket stubs and boarding passes of the participants benefiting from the grant.
Immediately after the meeting, organizers should send TWAS a final narrative and financial report, the final scientific programme and the list of participants and lecturers.
All documentary evidence needed to release funds from TWAS must be submitted by the organizers within six months from the end of the meeting.
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